Top AI Keynote Speakers

We are the world’s first and only speakers bureau that exclusively books artificial intelligence experts for virtual and in-person events.

Clients Include


Stanford University












Google • Stanford University • LinkedIn • Meta • Salesforce • AWS • Microsoft • HPE • Oracle • Samsung • Apple • SAP • Adobe •

Elevate Your Event with Real AI Insights.

We book artificial intelligence keynote speakers for your organization’s event who don’t just talk about the future—they’re the innovators building the tech. Book an AI keynote speaker who stands out from the crowd. Our speakers provide customized keynote presentations, fireside chats, or Q&As. Educate your executives, teams, or customers on generative AI from an expert with decades of experience practicing what they preach.

Adam Cheyer speaking to large crowd about Artificial Intelligence in a stadium in Massachusetts.

Choose From Top AI Experts.

  • We represent Siri co-founders, a VP at Shazam, and the researcher who literally wrote the book on AI. Our AI experts have created products and services that have been used by billions of people and have shaped the current technology and artificial intelligence landscape.

Experience World-Renowned Speakers.

  • Whether you’re looking for a speaker in an arena or a board room, we’ve got you covered. Learn about AI from a LinkedIn Top Voice, Google’s Chief Evangelist, or a Stanford professor. Our roster of speakers has decades of experience speaking to audiences globally.

Google Executive Allie K Miller talking about Artificial Intelligence in a fireside chat setting on a stage for an executive symposium.

Learn Practical AI Applications.

  • Our experts use their platform and experience in the industry to share case studies and lessons that help your audience leverage AI and future-proof your organization.

Our Top AI Speakers

Meet a few of our agency’s talented artificial intelligence speakers. Peter, Cassie, and Adam are some of the leading AI thought leaders in the world.

  • Former Head of Computational Sciences at NASA and Director of Research at Google

    Peter is a world-renowned computer scientist with over 50 publications.

    He literally wrote the book on AI, with his textbook Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach used in more than 1,500 universities across 135 countries.

    Peter is an expert at teaching, speaking, and applying AI across a variety of sectors and institutions.

  • 25k to 50k plus travel

  • The Persuit of Machine Learning

    The Crossroads Between AI and Space

    The Challenge & Promise of Artificial Intelligence

  • CEO at Data Scientific, First Chief Decision Scientist at Google Cloud

    Cassie Kozyrkov is now the CEO at Data Scientific after formerly serving as Chief Decision Scientist at Google Cloud, where she helped guide leadership on decision-making, AI strategy, and data-driven organizational development.

    Instrumental in introducing Decision Intelligence at Google, she has trained over 20,000 employees in machine learning, data science, deep learning, statistics, and data-based decision-making. With academic backgrounds in fields ranging from mathematical statistics to cognitive neuroscience, she’s guided more than 100 projects along with Google’s analytics program.

    Cassie previously acted as Chief Data Scientist in Google's Office of the CTO.

  • $45k to $70k plus travel

  • How To Leverage Machine Learning

    Why Data Will Disappoint You

    What Will The Future of Work Look Like?

  • Head of AI Experience at Airbnb, Co-Founder of Siri, Viv Labs, and

    Adam has impacted over a billion devices through Apple and Samsung. A founding developer of, he’s helped unite 500M+ members to create social change.

    With 39 patents and 60+ publications, his AI expertise is globally recognized.

    His previous keynotes include Fortune 1000 companies like Google, Dell, and Visa.

  • Please Inquire

  • ChatGPT and The Rise of Conversational AI

    The Future of AI and Businesses

    “Hey SIRI”: A Founding Story

Why Work with Speak About AI?

We’re On Your Team.

  • We respond to all messages and inquiries within 24 hours, rain or shine. Whether you need a keynote speaker in three days or three months, we work around the clock to book the best speaker available for your event.

We Handle Your Logistical Headaches.

  • Planning an event is a lot of work. Booking a speaker shouldn’t be. We plan for travel issues and last-minute cancellations so in the event of an emergency, you’re not scrambling for a speaker.

We Help You Navigate The Noise.

  • We know the ins and outs of the AI landscape and will create a tailored proposal for your organization and event within the day. Our goal is to save you time and find the perfect keynote speaker that fits your budget, your audience, and your industry.

Meet the Founder

Speak About AI was founded and is led by author, speaker, and entertainer Robert Strong.

A seasoned veteran in speaking circuits globally, he has 30+ years of experience booking speakers and entertainers.

As both a speaker and agent, Robert has a flawless track record of delivering unforgettable events for Fortune 1000 companies.

A Variety of Industry Experts

Our top AI keynote speakers have expertise in subsectors including natural language processing, speech to text, entrepreneurship, business development, healthcare, AI ethics, AI research, and deep learning. Our team hand-picks each speaker based on their experience, speaking abilities, and desire to create a better future with emerging technologies, artificial intelligence and machine learning. Learn more about the world of AI today.