Machine Learning Speakers

Our machine learning speakers, Peter Norvig, Cassie Kozyrkov, and Reza Zadeh, are celebrated pioneers of AI. Peter, author of the widely used AI textbook "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach," is considered one of the godfathers of artificial intelligence. Cassie, former Chief Decision Scientist at Google Cloud and now CEO at Data Scientific, has pioneered Decision Intelligence, training over 20,000 employees in machine learning and data-driven decision-making. Reza, founder of Matroid and a Stanford Adjunct Professor, is known for his significant contributions to AI research, including Machine Learning algorithms for Twitter and co-developing libraries in Apache Spark. Together, they offer a wealth of knowledge and experience, making them the go-to experts in the evolving field of machine learning.

Peter Norvig

Former Head of Computational Science at NASA and Director of Research at Google

  • The Pursuit of Machine Learning

    The Crossroads Between AI and Space

    The Challenge & Promise of Artificial Intelligence

  • $25k to $50k plus travel

  • California, United States

Peter is a world-renowned computer scientist with over 50 publications.

He literally wrote the book on AI, with his textbook Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach used in more than 1,500 universities across 135 countries.

Peter is an expert at teaching, speaking, and applying AI across a variety of sectors and institutions.

Cassie Kozyrkov

CEO at Data Scientific, First Chief Decision Scientist at Google Cloud

  • How To Leverage Machine Learning

    Why Data Will Disappoint You

    What Will The Future of Work Look Like?

  • $45k to $70k plus travel

  • Florida, United States

Cassie Kozyrkov is now the CEO at Data Scientific after formerly serving as Chief Decision Scientist at Google Cloud, where she helped guide leadership on decision-making, AI strategy, and data-driven organizational development.

Instrumental in introducing Decision Intelligence at Google, she has trained over 20,000 employees in machine learning, statistics, and data-based decision-making. With academic backgrounds in fields ranging from mathematical statistics to cognitive neuroscience, she’s guided more than 100 projects along with Google’s analytics program.

Cassie previously acted as Chief Data Scientist in Google's Office of the CTO.

Reza Zadeh

CEO of Matroid & Stanford Professor

  • Turning Machine Learning Research into Products for Industry

    Computer Vision Made Simple

  • Please Inquire

  • California, United States

Reza Zadeh, founder and CEO of Matroid and an Adjunct Professor at Stanford, has been a leading figure in AI since his tenure at Google's AI research team in 2005.

Recognized with awards like the KDD Best Paper and the Gene Golub Outstanding Thesis at Stanford, he's credited for creating Machine Learning algorithms for Twitter and co-developing essential libraries in Apache Spark.

Beyond his groundbreaking work, Reza imparts knowledge through advanced Stanford courses like Distributed Algorithms and Discrete Mathematics.

Sagar Savla

Product Management Lead at Google & Author

  • Cutting Edge of AI in Tech

    The Wonder of Machines That Learn

  • Please Inquire

  • San Francisco, United States

Sagar is a product executive in Google's AI Research group, where he integrates advanced ML technologies into products such as Pixel's camera, YouTube, and Android.

An international speaker, he's presented in over 20 countries on topics ranging from Ethical Hacking to AI, and has received multiple awards for his tech contributions.

Holding dual Masters' degrees from Georgia Tech in Machine Learning and User Experience, Sagar is also the co-author of the book Uxonomy: UX for Modern Engineers.